Below is the original note for the gym competitors. However, there are vacancies for any gym CCA members to join us! Come, play with us, especially pupils who usually train on Fridays. All gymnasts (competitors & non-competitors) will need to top up $10 for the game. (Bring money on that day). Non-competitors who train on Fridays, if you're not joining us in the game, please do not stay back for training on 20 May. There's no training on this day, only PLAY!
We will accept only 30 gymnasts for this game. So, non-competitors, do inform Miss Sarah Choo or Mrs Tam quickly if you're interested. We accept registration on the first come first serve basis. For competitors, you'll still contact Coach Feng/Mdm Seah to indicate if you're attending or not and to inform about the potluck contribution.
Dear parents of competitors,We are having a celebration on 20 May for their hard work put in for this year's competition. We would like the gymnasts to enjoy themselves and they chose to have Laser Tag. Due to the budget constraint, we would need parents to chip in part of the payment. We are still negotiating on the price with the vendor, so will update you later on the amount.
In addition, we would like to have pot luck for lunch on that day, before the celebration. For girls, please inform Coach Feng what food you would like to contribute. For boys, please inform Mdm Seah L H at . There is a total of 10 boys and 12 girls. Do join us in the celebration if you can.
Thank you!
Great post, and great website. Thanks for the information!