Friday, 1 November 2013

Meeting time on Sat at 9am on Sat for performers (Gym Fest)

After last night's meeting, we were informed that the meeting time for participants on Saturday has to be 9am as they need to rehearse for all the contingents, which involves near 600 participants.
The Opening is from 2 pm to 4 pm. Break for lunch and make up is 11 am to 1pm.
For Sunday, I've sought SG personnel's understanding that it's too long hours for our girls to stay for the Night Gala, so we are excused. However, all participants are highly encouraged to stay on to watch if they can.  


1 comment:

  1. It’s really good to have a meet before the showdown. I mean before our final showdown, we met the night before the game in one of the meeting space San Francisco has and it was really great. The whole team talked strategy and then we celebrated our last night in San Francisco.
